The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; Your love, O Lord, endures forever ~ do not abandon the works of Your hands. Psalms 138:8

Argh....we're both sick

After a wonderful holiday, we came home and were both sick within 24 hours. We have been at home....coughing, taking our temps, feeling very sorry for ourselves. If we were horses....I think someone would have shot us by now....I am really sick of being sick....I hope we both get better soon!! My honey just said he thinks we need another vacation....I couldn't agree more!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor babies! Not a very nice homecoming gift. Not to be discouraging but this is the first day I haven't coughed and/or blown my nose since December 28... But I'm sure y'all will be over it much faster than that - if your drug stash has any say in the matter :o)