Today's moment is a Cranberry Creek moment....I may write a book one day...but until then, this will have to do.
We were in Calgary at the Art Market...a beautiful show in an up-scale venue. Bob was on the front line, serving tastes of the pudding. He had a string of people turn up their nose at him, and then one particularly rude woman just sent him over the edge. He handed off the tray of samples and came back to the kitchen and began to rant...."What is the matter with people?" Why do they have to be so rude?" "Why are we doing this, anyways?" "I don't think I can do this anymore!" I just consoled him, tried to encourage him, and sent him back out to the warfront. After he left the kitchen, I prayed for him, for our business, for understanding on why we are even doing it.
What took place next was so amazing yet simple and sweet...it had God's signature all over it.
When Bob returned to his sampling spot, he began, "Would you like to try some Cranberry Pudding?" Up steps a wee elderly man in a shirt, tie and red cable knit sweater. He was VERY wee, and VERY elderly, and his sweater was VERY red.
He looked Bob right in the face and said, "Why yes, and this is why I am here. I come every year just to buy my one small pudding....it makes my Christmas, you know. I'm so glad you are here again this year, I don't know what I'd do if ever you don't come."
Bob managed to finish up with the gentleman, and then came back into the kitchen where we both wept....and thanked God for bringing the wee man in the red sweater. We sometimes get so focus on the "big picture" that we forget to zoom in and look closely at just one person, or just one kind word, or just one minute in time.
Take time to zoom in on the minute.....you never know when God may touch it and turn it into a moment.
Wow! What a reminder of how much God loves us and how much he cares about us. No detail or moment of our lives is missed by him. Thanks for sharing! Ly
That's beautiful! I'm sitting here in a puddle of tears. Thank you for sharing.
I love this story: I've heard it before but still love it. God's so great. :)
Great story mum.....God is good.
To make the Christmas season special for one lonely man... all totally worth it. It's one of my favourite parts of being involved with CC - being a part of the family/Christmas traditions of others :)
Way to make a hormonal woman cry! Thanks for the insight....I'm going to look for my own reminder right now!!
and yes, another always hormonal with no good reason woman is now crying... what an amazing God-given moment!
**tears** I love that! I like to call those moments a forehead kiss from our Heavenly Father.
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